After one night in the pretty town of Veracruz, it was time to go the 409 miles to Ciudad del Carmen in what would be my second last city stop in Mexico. I was already getting a little melancholy about leaving Mexico, it had been everything I had hoped for – great mountain roads, amazing street food, sensational beaches and simply beautiful people.

Today’s ride was one of my better ones, sweeping across rivers and through the Reserva de la Biosfera Pantanos de Centla, which is similar in its habitat to the Everglades back home in Miami. It was a long day of riding taking over 9 hours and 409 miles (659 kilometers), passing through La Tinaja, El Nanchi, Cosamaloapan, Acayucan, Minatitlán, Cardenas, Villahermosa, Frontera, San Antonio Cárdenas and onto my final destination in Ciudad del Carmen.

I stayed at the Azul hotel & Restaurant and although arriving late and being exhausted from my riding  9+ hours and also after the kitchen was closed! The crew at hotel and restaurant still made me a great seafood dinner and a few beers! The room was tidy and perfect, although the air conditioner made a fair bit of noise (it was pretty bloody hot – even at night)

Ciudad del Carmen

Ciudad del Carmen has long been a city that had thrived on its energy market. The bridge entrance to the city was pretty spectacular. The city is nicknamed “The Pearl of the Gulf” and was a city that had previously thrived on its pearl market back in the 1970’s

Ciudad del Carmen is a city in the southwest of the Mexican state of Campeche. Ciudad del Carmen is located at 18.63°N 91.83°W on the southwest of Carmen Island, which stands in the Laguna de Términos on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

Learn more about this city on Wikipedia

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